jueves, 21 de noviembre de 2013

An evening at the bumper cars

Lonely Joe was standing at the bumper cars, looking how boys with more money drove them. Three guys started abusing the retarded boy next to Joe. He addressed his inner anger against them recklessly. Then those guys stopped laughing and pushing the retarded guy and started to beat lonely Joe .

Statistics data

Since he was a child he had had very good grades at school. He was also good at soccer. Later, he was also a hard-working  student who had studied a demanding university degree. Nights and weekends devoted to studying. Finally, graduation day and, immediately after it, his reward: the unemployment. 

There comes the sun

The schoolgirl had always tried hard to grow some plants in her flower boxes. It was always disappointing, as in three years no seed had sprouted. One morning, after opening her balcony door, for the first time she experienced a state of bliss when she saw a tiny green bud.